Thursday, September 19, 2019

What happens when: Multiple DMR signals & SDRangel

The below video shows native DMR decoding with SDRangel software. On 427.505 MHz is an OpenSpot V1 and on 427.565 MHz is a duplex "China" Spot. 

It is very easy to leave the SDR, in this case the inexpensive NooElec Nano3 tuned to 427.565 and then toggle in the channel down to 427.505 MHz.  Both hotspots were tuned to the same talk group of 31630 during the Tuesday evening Northstar Digital Net.

One thing to notice is that the carrier time keys up quicker and also "hangs" when a discussion drops compared to the quicker times on the duplex "China" Spot.

With SDRangel, you can "run" multiple decoders for different (or the same modes) at the same time. 

You would leave SDRangel "tuned" to one frequency and you can then tune up or down from that frequency in each decoder. This will work within the SDR's capable bandwidth. In the case of the NooElec Nano3, this is 2.8 MHz. 

Also, you can "run" multiple decoders (Analog FM Narrow, DSD for digital voice, Channel Analyzer, etc) all at the same time on the same frequency to just "hear" for example the buzzzz sound of DMR via the analog FM Narrow decoder PLUS the actual DMR demodulated audio AT the same time.

There is A LOT of capability with SDRangel. Give it a try. You will like it and the ability to customize the layout to your liking for certain tasks.

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