Friday, February 16, 2018

New(er) version of SDRangel: 3.9.0

Late last year, the excellent blog picked up my tutorial on using a cheap USB SDR dongle with SDRangel to decode DMR voice traffic.

SDRangel is now at version 3.9.0 which has a few bug fixes compared to the 3.8.5 version used in the tutorial. More can be found here....

Here is the link for those that have trouble navigating Github and want to use this great software in a Microsoft Windows environment. 

You will still need to use the 7 Zip software to unpack the file and make a shortcut to the executable file to a easy to find location.

A video update will be done when the Lime SDR Mini gets a little more time here at HVDN to demonstrate transmitting with a low cost SDR, possibly with DMR....

(Lime SDR Mini, an affordable wide band SDR for low power transceiver projects)

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